Who is buying junk cars?
Junk means worthless, right? Wrong! When it comes to cars, that old junk sitting around could be a treasure. Those buying junk cars know the true value of your junk car. That’s some pretty good use right there! Thereafter, the junk buyer takes it away and it begins the process of getting a new lease of life. Despite being junk, a car sometimes still has many good components that can be salvaged and recycled. Some of the most useful components are the steering wheel, seats, windshields, bumpers and other spare parts
What’s the deal?
If there’s anything that those buying junk cars know, its that there is a willingness to let cars rot that doesn’t make sense. It happens everywhere, and the results are there in fields and meadows all across the nation, outdoors, where residents have moved on and left an old vehicle sitting and rotting away in the weather.
At a certain point, there is no hope for these vehicles, as all of the steel parts one by one yield to the inexorable advance of rust. Down in the guts of the motor, water works its slow way into the system, in the form of vapor and mist. There is no part of a high performance, professionally sealed engine that cannot be reached by an environment’s water, so long as there is enough time. And so the abandoned vehicle cannot be saved.
Cruel neglect! Why leave this beautiful assembly of precise parts to be wasted? Is it so hard to say goodbye to a car that you can’t afford, that you prefer to let it be lost in the wilderness rather than recycled, reused, restored, or reborn? There is another way, and today all over the country you can find organizations and individuals working to end the blight of junk cars abandoned in the open and they are doing it in different ways.
The Environmental Reason to Seek Out Junk Cars
The impact of an abandoned vehicle on its immediate outdoor area can be harsh. The rusting of iron and steel is not too big of a problem for nature to handle, but the other parts of the vehicle are another matter entirely. Rust is just a non-toxic mixture of iron and oxygen, after all. The plastics and artificial materials scattered throughout the vehicle, in the steering wheel and body panels, the seat covers and trunk linings, all present problems when they are accidentally ingested by animals. Biodegradability in the outdoors is also not effective with many plastics.
The worst parts of a junk car for the soil around it are the petroleum-based materials inside it. Rubber materials in the wheels, gaskets, and pedals also tend to break down into somewhat toxic pieces, as well. These petroleum and rubber products all end up seeping into the ground around the vehicle, and then into the groundwater.
Junk yards buying junk cars
The buyers will take care of the paperwork, towing the car away and everything else. Easy and stress free!
So when it’s time for your farewell to your old junk car, this is a great final choice. It was beautiful when it was new, and who knew it could be so valuable when it became junk?